As the story goes,went for meeting at 11pm.Due to my coughing,I still weak a bit.Bla bla bla..Went chit chatting..Then the camper start coming,there are a lot of people.I wish there was more..*Hahaha*Some people I have no idea who but will know in Camp.The bus came and we went in.As for few people,putting the bags inside the bus.I tell you this,is super heavy.It weight a ton.Went inside and sitting with William.
Finally we reach,went out first with few people and take out the bags.Went in the place.I dislike the swimming pool.Is super small.Walk from G to 3rd floor carrying my bag that weight around 5kg.We have a short briefing then ice-breaker.I lose in the ice-breaker.So I was force to eat something.All of them eat and their face turn green.It's means that taste horrible.When I eat it,it taste nothing.I can finish it without a problem.I tasted worse things than that I guess.
We went to our room.My room leader is Ivan.We decide to sleep together.I spend my free time in the music practice with all of my friends that are musicians.Brief them about the Session and practice time.I was very scare because is my first time.Sun scolded them to listen to me due to them not listening.Then the 1st session practice started.Finish already we went for dinner.Chat with few people.Bla bla bla..My makan time is the only free time to chat with random people.So no choice la.
Then come the special event.Dancing thing..My partner is Luke Lau I think.Forgotten already.Is hard la.I keep on following David.Then Janet say find opposite gende.Then I find a girl name Krystal.She is new la.We dance together la.Tiring dance.Then finish the special event.Went for supper.Supper time got a short run through music practice.Went to take my medicine.Bla bla bla..Went for meeting and come back and sleep.End of 1st day
2nd day,wake up early for prayer meeting.Clean up and went for exercise session.Then breakfast.I eat for a while and went straight for music practice.Finish already.Went for the ice-breaker.Is another dance.*LoL*Then come first session,praise and worship is awesome.The message is awesome too.Went for lunch and went to sleep.Sleep for awhile.Wake up and went to help the MAD Idol friends.Help Tabitha on her song.Her song is This is me.I wish I could help but I still got a bad coughing.Call her to hit high note and stuff like that.The song is related to Gotta find you-Joe Jonas that I sang in Semi Final.Went for workshop.18-20 years old is lead by Ps Reuben.Everything in there is a secret.
After that,went for music practice.Chat with random people and start doing my song in the LCD.For the rest of the people,went for swimming.I'm so sad.After practice,we went for dinner.Then is MAD Idol Finals,You guys are Awesome.I find something weird that I can vote twice.Maybe last time I don't get to vote then I can vote again.I very fair la.I voted Tabitha and Samuel.Then come Session 2 preach by Rev Daniel Cheah.Awesome message.After a long session,went for supper.I'm super tired.Wanted to sleep but I can't.Noisy..Went next time to call them to low down their voice.In the end,I been laugh at.What so funny??Let be funny.Is getting lame and lame guys..Went to bed and start to sleep la..Think about happy dream.I like one dream that I will never tell..That is all for 2nd day.
3rd day.Wake up early for music practice like always.Really swt is others came late.Carry on the practice.I think I overwork myself.Went for breakfast and bla bla bla..Started session 3 with a ice-breaker.I can't go all detail.Super long.><".Finish Session 3 then lunch time.After a short lunch,I went straight to music practice.You will be wondering why I'm so busy.That you have to find out yourself.*Wahahahaha*Went for a short group discussion.And then change to my clothes.Went to the hall.Someone went in with wet clothes.Some of those kids playing there with water gun.Luckily,I didn't get it.
Then the ultimate game session started,first stop:Nicki place.Hard to play lo.They put the oil and water gun keep on spraying.*><"*I get a few blue black from there.2nd stop:Chooi yee.Question game.Guess who I vs.I vs Sarah-Ann.Ask for contain in the maggi mee.I seriously have no idea.So I lose.3rd stop:Sun sun.Hard to play due to my right hand is a bit in pain.4nd stop:Sam Chew.Bingo game.*Swt*Then come the ultimate battle between groups and committee.Kill each other.I only aim few people.*Hahahaha*Finish already.Went to bath.Seriously they call me to bath with a person.You must be nuts.I'm bathing alone and that is final.P.S.I'm not gay and I'm a real boy.Went for music practice.Then session 4..Quite long la but is worth it.After that,went for supper.And practice for the play.I have no time for meeting.So I play supporting role.Then come Drama presentation.Super funny.*Lalalalalala*Went for wash up.Chit chat in the room until 3 30am.The topic is quite random.That is all for day 3.
4nd day.Wake up at 7 30am to pack and wash up.8 30am got music practice.Went there,only few was there.Go look for Stephen.He still sleeping there.I wake him up for practice.Went back and waited for him.Sun that time just came too.Can't blame them.We are super tired.Practice and practice then breakfast.Then come the last session preach by Ps Reuben.I can't go full detail.After that,went for lunch.Went back and know the result.MAD Idol 2009 won by Tabitha.Then Photo session.Post lo.Bla bla bla..Wait for bus.Went back to KL.That is the end of MAD Camp 2009.Is a blast and life changing camp.I feel sorry for those who miss it.I did took some pictures but I got no time to post it.I'm sorry guys.
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I going to put 2 days together.PB Opening was awesome.I seriously have no comment.Love the Dance my brother and sister.I do take some pictures but is quite blur.So I only put a few:
Cool guys.Love you guys performance.A powerful message after then.So it ended and I take cab home
1st of PB..I only got one word for it:Awesome.Let start the story when I reach church.Chat with random people.Bla bla bla..Then PB started.The message was powerful.The power of God is in the place.In the end of 1st session,we was told to pray to one other:1 on 1.In your information,my left side was Sarah Loke and my right side was Sarah-Ann.Surely I go in front to find someone.Suddenly a guy call me,he is from overseas.I pray for him in Healing prayer as was asked by him.I feel great..Then is our break time,eat a bit and drink a bit.Chat with friends.
After a few moment only know he is a pastor.*Oh my goodness*.2nd session was awesome too but is pretty hard to catch up.Speak too fast...*xD*But I do catch all of it but can’t write all of it.
3rd session has started after our toilet break.The message was solid.Have taught me a lot.*Haha*I can’t explain all of it here.Too much to say.Blog is suppose to be fun to read..I could say God is Good All the time..Amen?
Time for Dinner.Sit with Li-anne and Jo ng.Eat this and that.I eat slowly and quietly.I’m hungry and tired.Walking around.Chatting with people.Bla bla bla..
Night service has started.I was tired already.Can’t really catch the message in writing.So I just listen to it..After the service,Paul,Tim,Sam and me went out Yam Cha.Chit chat about stuff..After reach home around 12 45am.That is all of it I think..*Hahaha*
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