I going to put 2 days together.PB Opening was awesome.I seriously have no comment.Love the Dance my brother and sister.I do take some pictures but is quite blur.So I only put a few:
Cool guys.Love you guys performance.A powerful message after then.So it ended and I take cab home
1st of PB..I only got one word for it:Awesome.Let start the story when I reach church.Chat with random people.Bla bla bla..Then PB started.The message was powerful.The power of God is in the place.In the end of 1st session,we was told to pray to one other:1 on 1.In your information,my left side was Sarah Loke and my right side was Sarah-Ann.Surely I go in front to find someone.Suddenly a guy call me,he is from overseas.I pray for him in Healing prayer as was asked by him.I feel great..Then is our break time,eat a bit and drink a bit.Chat with friends.
After a few moment only know he is a pastor.*Oh my goodness*.2nd session was awesome too but is pretty hard to catch up.Speak too fast...*xD*But I do catch all of it but can’t write all of it.
3rd session has started after our toilet break.The message was solid.Have taught me a lot.*Haha*I can’t explain all of it here.Too much to say.Blog is suppose to be fun to read..I could say God is Good All the time..Amen?
Time for Dinner.Sit with Li-anne and Jo ng.Eat this and that.I eat slowly and quietly.I’m hungry and tired.Walking around.Chatting with people.Bla bla bla..
Night service has started.I was tired already.Can’t really catch the message in writing.So I just listen to it..After the service,Paul,Tim,Sam and me went out Yam Cha.Chit chat about stuff..After reach home around 12 45am.That is all of it I think..*Hahaha*
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